Motion for Joint Education and Operations Meeting – November 13, 2008
I put forward the following motion:
During the civic election campaign process, at the District Parent Advisory Committee all-candidates’ meeting, a student-drafted question was put forward to all trustee candidates. The question was:
There are many High School students who are not able to get into the courses they need to ensure they get into University. Universities do not recognize many of the elective courses that are offered at NWSS. How would you advocate for high school students to get into courses they need to graduate and go directly to University, without having to take extra online courses?
In addition to their enrollment at NWSS, a good number of our senior-level students said they were compelled to enroll in on-line high school courses elsewhere in order to satisfy standard university eligibility requirements. It is concerning to hear from students that our high school did not offer the required academic courses in a capacity sufficient to meet student graduation transcript needs.
To better understand the extent of the situation and make any needed changes for the 2019 graduation class, be it therefore resolved that the Board of Education, SD40, receive a report from staff outlining the situation and what will be done to ensure that NWSS students can meet their graduation requirements by taking NWSS courses.
Tags: Mary Lalji, Motion, New Westminster, NWSS, School Board, SD40, Trustees